Focus has been involved in the oversight of numerous remediation projects involving the excavation and treatment or disposal of contaminated soils. Focus personnel have experience in various elements of the oversight ranging from contractual elements to field elements involving the actual remediation of the sites. A major portion of the sites that we have overseen have used thermal treatment technologies to remediate the site, however, the activities associated with these projects are similar to “hog and haul” projects. Services that Focus provides are summarized below.
Remedial Action Planning
Focus has extensive experience in the following areas of remedial action planning:
- Negotiation of performance standards with local, state and federal environmental regulators
- Development of Remedial Action Plans and Specifications
- Presentation of remedial action plans to community groups
- Preparation of bid documents to acquire the services of a remedial contractor
- Development of contract documents specific to remedial activities
- Obtaining and evaluating bids from remedial contractors.
Historical projects management by Focus have experienced less than 2% growth in cost due to administrative errors or oversights in the plan and specifications. The majority of project cost growth has been attributed to site growth which is outside of Focus’ control.
Contractual Documents
Development of a tight specification and contract is critical to obtaining accurate bids and control contract costs during the execution of the remedial action. Establishment of an appropriate bid form during the design phase is paramount to an effective procurement process and subsequent project cost tracking during the remedial action. Focus has years of experience developing specifications and contracts that have proven to be tight. Historically, sites that Focus has managed have experienced less than 2% growth in cost of items not related to quantity of material managed. Knowledge of the remediation process and the uncertainties that cause cost growth is critical to developing tight specifications that will serve the client well associated with potential scope changes that arise during remedial actions.
Field Oversight
The presence of personnel on-site during remedial actions to document activities and collect data to support quantities being billed by the contractor is essential to insure accurate contractor invoicing and address any conflicts associated with invoices. Specific field oversight tasks include the following:
- Measurement of excavation depths
- Collection, management and documentation of required samples
- Documentation of treated soil quantities
- Documentation of off-site shipments of waste
- Reporting of daily general site activities
- Assurance of proper health and safety protocols
- Collection and recording of treatment data to demonstrate compliance with air permits or other regulatory requirements
- Site security (as required).
These are some of the typical field oversight activities but actual requirements are site specific.
Project Management
During the execution of a remedial action, documentation of potential scope changes are critical to maintaining costs. Changes need to be tied to specific specifications that address any proposed changes. Project management also includes the review and approval of invoices from the remedial contractor which are tracked against the bid form and specifications. Successful project management is tied closely with effective field oversight activities.
Ambient Air Monitoring
Most sites require ambient air monitoring at the site perimeter to document the impact of fugitive emissions from site activities and insure that emissions are within acceptable concentrations. Sampling of air in the breathing zones of site workers is also important to insure that proper personnel protective equipment is being worn. Focus has conducted or overseen high volume sampling for particulates and SVOC’s and Summa canister sampling for VOC’s at numerous sites. Collection and management of valid air monitoring data is critical to providing defensible proof that remedial activities at the site were not harmful to workers or receptors near the site.
Closeout Reporting
Once a remedial action is complete, development of the Site Closeout Report provides a complete summary of site activities and documentation that all regulatory requirements were attained. The collection of required data during the remedial action is paramount to the generation of an acceptable closeout report. Focus has generated or reviewed numerous closeout reports for the sites which we have provided oversight services.